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Practice Areas

Premises Liability


Examples of actionable (winning) past cases handled by our office include * traces of rice and sauce on a hotel lobby floor causing a fall and a permanent hand injury,  * kitchen grease poured into a restaurant restroom floor drain causing a fall and a knee injury requiring surgery, * a child’s fall through an improperly maintained window in a multi-story commercial building resulting in death,  * a shopper in a big box retail warehouse store encountering a spill of liquid detergent covered by an employee with flat cardboard, causing a fall and head injury. 

Wrongful Death

This office has handled several cases when: In the event of a death caused by the negligent, or criminal act, of another, California law affords the heir or heirs of the deceased to bring an action for “wrongful death.” The death can have been caused by an automobile collision, an act of intentional personal violence, or improperly maintained premises. These cases present unique opportunities to tell the story of a person’s life and to convey the nature of the relationship that has been lost. It is a privilege to take on such an assignment as an attorney, and should you wish to discuss how we can help you, please contact us.

Motor Vehicle Accidents


If you have been injured in an auto "accident,” get medical attention immediately, don’t put this off: go to a hospital ER, visit your family physician, or make an appointment with a chiropractor recommended by friends or co-workers.  Take photos of the damage to your car, as well as any visible injuries you may have. Contact your insurance company’s “Claims Office” (you can get the # from your agent or a website). Avoid communication with the insurance company for the adverse driver, as part of their job is to obtain information from you, to use against you later.

Bicycle Accidents

For over 2 decades, I have developed ties with several Bay Area cycling clubs. As a consequence, this firm has handled many car versus bicycle collisions. Drivers often tell their insurance carrier that the “bicycle appeared out of nowhere” or that the cyclist should have taken some evasive action (as if that were possible) to avoid the collision. The motorist's side of these disputed claims will attempt to profit by that bias, whether held by witnesses or potential jurors.  If the injuries are substantial, it is imperative that the bicyclist promptly retain legal representation.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Our office has had great success in prosecuting brain injury cases.  Working with a treating physician, typically a neurologist or a neuro-psychologist, testing can utilized to diagnose the existence of a "closed head injury." Because these injuries can be overlooked or ignored, it is critically important for the victim/client and lawyer to develop and carry out a plan to confirm, prove and quantify a brain injury. Often the victim, or family members, will suffer through the symptoms, without connecting the victim's exposure to violent forces in a recent car accident, or a fall.

Injuries to Children

Injuries to children pose very specific issues. This makes it all the more important to be pro-active. If your child has been injured by a negligent driver, or a dangerous condition in a building, or by an animal, get medical care for your child immediately.  Take photographs - right now, don't wait - of the injury, the location of the injury, of any property damage to a car, bicycle or other object.  Get the names of any and all witnesses.  Then contact an attorney.

Pedestrian Accidents


Drivers all too often fail to see pedestrians, or fail to yield right-of-way to pedestrians at intersections.  Yet, when these cases reach the insurance claims process, very frequently a driver's sense of denial or indignation, perhaps fueled by sympathetic insurance professionals, results in versions of the collision where the driver's "fault" for the collision is shifted to the pedestrian. If you have been injured as a pedestrian, we will let you know what your rights are, and help you navigate through the options.

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